Over the last year we have been busy receiving school groups, each time offering them more unique opportunities of learning including radio-tracking techniques and real field data collection. Our school program in Ho Chi Minh City has expanded, introducing children to our work, the importance of animal welfare and conservation, then together suggesting how we think we can change the behaviour of the present and future generation. We are all aware that in Vietnam we do not have much time left. Support from schools has continued, as they have propagated gum trees for the loris, grafted fig trees, painted benches with conservation propaganda, ran fund raising activities with pin the tail on the loris, enterprise days with monies donated to EAST, developed their own EAST trump cards, sold Mexican mint medicinal plants with hand painted plant pots, evaluated campaign styles and importantly spread the word. Interestingly the older students are less optimistic for the future of wildlife in Vietnam, understanding the fine detail of the present problems. But we still try! Thank you for all your continued support.