We’re thrilled to announce our “Virtual Vietnam” talk live from Dao Tien Primate Species Centre on 7th April 2025 at 11am (UK time)! The team who are working tirelessly on Dao Tien will be live to chat with you, updating you on how our released douc and gibbons are faring, as well as the upcoming […]

Kizzy’s Family of Five Return to the Forest- Thanks to Support from ARCUS Foundation
In 2024, EAST released five southern golden-cheeked gibbons (Nomascus gabriellae) back into newly protected forest in South Vietnam. The adults Kizzy and Dong were both fitted with Lotek Lite Track GPS/ satellite collars and are being successfully monitored post-release. In September the family of five (Kizzy, Dong with offspring Bich, Tuyen and Fizzy) were transferred […]

The release of six gibbons in 2019
In 2019, EAST released six gibbons back into protected forest in South Vietnam. As well as tracking these individuals, the team are already preparing to release another family in 2020… In May we started our gibbon releases with single female Bien, then in September we followed on with Misu’s family, Misu, Limhuyen and their three […]

Animal welfare remains at the forefront of our work
Dao Tien strives to achieve an international standard of welfare and husbandry. Sometimes we receive traumatised gibbons that need a little extra care, or time out, such as Amelie, an over-friendly juvenile golden-cheeked gibbon. She is a confident soul with adults but not so friendly with similar-aged peers. When it was time for Amelie […]

School Education
Over the last year we have been busy receiving school groups, each time offering them more unique opportunities of learning including radio-tracking techniques and real field data collection. Our school program in Ho Chi Minh City has expanded, introducing children to our work, the importance of animal welfare and conservation, then together suggesting how we […]

Palle takes on the young rabble, Loc, Duane and Tung – She may be a little more tired now!
We are hoping that juvenile golden-cheeked gibbons, Loc, Duane and Tung, will follow big sister Palle into the trees in January. Palle has supervised these three little ones well for three months – although she does look a little more tired than at first! The trees are vital for these three youngsters at this […]

Anthony update- a lone strong male… but much stronger than we thought.
On the 9th January 2018, Dr Marina Kenyon, (Director of Dao Tien), Mr Nguyen Van Dien, (Director Cat Tien National Park), Dr Alison

A Momentous Occasion!
On the 9th January 2018, Dr Marina Kenyon, (Director of Dao Tien), Mr Nguyen Van Dien, (Director Cat Tien National Park), Dr Alison

When a gibbon pairing is right, it is so right!
Rescuers confiscated Teo, a young male gabriellae (golden-cheeked) gibbon, from a house in Bien Hoa City in 2009.

Two “bengalensis (Nycticebus bengalenisis)” loris arrived on Dao Tien. How long had they been in captivity?